One participe passés
One verbes pronominaux
Irregular Future and Conditional Stems
No matter the verb, whether regular, irregular, or stem-changing, the future / conditional stem always ends in -r.
Radicaux irréguliers au futur et au conditionnel
All regular French verbs and many irregular ones use their infinitives as future and conditional stems. But of course there are always exceptions – here are the few dozen verbs with irregular stems.
Stem-changing verbs
Stem-changing verbs have the same stem change in their future and conditional stems:
Similar verbs | ||
appeler | appeller- | épeler, rappeler, renouveler |
appuyer | appuier- | ennuyer, essuyer |
employer | emploier- | nettoyer, noyer, tutoyer, etc. |
essayer* | essaier- | balayer, effrayer, payer |
gérer* | gèrer– | célébrer, espérer, préférer, etc. |
jeter | jetter- | feuilleter, hoqueter, projeter, rejeter |
lever | lèver- | acheter, achever, mener, etc. |
*The future and conditional stem change is optional for these two types of stem-changing verbs.
Irregular verbs
About 20 French verbs have irregular future and conditional stems:
Similar verbs | ||
acquérir | acquerr- | conquérir, s’enquérir |
aller | ir- | |
avoir | aur- | |
courir | courr- | concourir, discourir, parcourir, etc. |
devoir | devr- | |
envoyer | enverr- | renvoyer |
être | ser- | |
faire | fer- | |
falloir | faudr- | |
pleuvoir | pleuvr- | |
pouvoir | pourr- | |
savoir | saur- | |
valoir | vaudr- | |
venir | viendr- | devenir, tenir, obtenir, etc. |
voir | verr- | revoir |
vouloir | voudr- |
Indicatif présent – exercices
Too easy
Complete the verb endings
Drag and drop
Mot manquants
Savoir -mult. choices
Complétez les phrases avec pouvoir, vouloir ou devoir.
Complétez les phrases avec pouvoir, vouloir ou devoir (2)
Complétez les phrases avec pouvoir, vouloir ou devoir (3)
one-Conjugue ces verbes au futur simple
Verbes pronominaux : réciproque ou réfléchi?
L’auxiliaire des verbes pronominaux est toujours le verbe ÊTRE.
Avec les verbes pronominaux réciproques, le participe passé s’accorde normalement avec le sujet.
Ex : les enfants se sont embrassés.
Avec un verbe pronominal réfléchi, le pronom réfléchi a la valeur d’un complément d’objet indirect, l’accord se fait avec le complément d’objet direct qui précède le verbe.
Une autre façon de trouver le COD consiste à remplacer l’auxiliaire être par l’auxiliaire avoir et à poser la questionverbe + qui? ou verbe + quoi?
Ex : désires-tu voir les livres que je me suis achetés ?
J’ai acheté quoi? ‘les livres’ -> Le COD précède le verbe dans la phrase initiale, donc le participe passé s’accorde
Ils se sont lavé les mains.
Ils ont lavé quoi? ‘les mains’ Le COD ‘les mains’ suit le verbe dans la phrase initiale, donc le participe passé reste invariable.
NOTE : Réciproque ou réfléchi?
Dans les deux exemples précédents, ‘me’ et ‘se’ sont des pronoms réfléchis.
… que je me suis achetés = J’ai acheté ‘à moi’.
Ils se sont lavé les mains = Ils ont lavé les mains ‘à eux’.
alors que, dans le premier exemple, ‘les enfants se sont embrassés’, chacun a embrassé l’autre, c’est une action réciproque, le verbe est un verbe pronominal réciproque.
Verbs using prepositions à and de
s’amuser à s’amuser de | xxx |
arriver à (à Paris, au Canada) arriver de (de Paris, du Canada) |
to arrive in (Paris, Canada) to arrive from (Paris, Canada) |
convenir à convenir de |
xxx xxx |
décider (quelqu’un) à décider (quelqu’un) de |
xxx xxx |
défendre à défendre de |
xxx xxx |
demander à demander de |
xxx xxx |
dire à qqun dire de |
xxx xxx |
être à être de |
xxx xxx |
interdire (quelque chose) à quelqu’un interdire à quelqu’un de |
xxx xxx |
jouer à jouer de |
to play (a sport) to play (an instrument) |
manquer de | to lack |
parler à parler de |
xxx xxx |
partir à partir de |
to leave for to leave from |
penser à penser de |
xxx xxx |
se plaindre à se plaindre de |
to complain to to complain about |
profiter à profiter de |
xxx xxx |
rappeler à rappeler de |
xxx xxx |
répondre à répondre de |
xxx xxx |
reprocher à reprocher de |
xxx xxx |
rêver à rêver de |
xxx xxx |
servir à servir de |
to put to use as |
tenir à tenir de |
to like to take after, resemble |
venir à venir de |
xxx xxx |
vivre à vivre de |
to inhabit to live on |
commander (à quelqu’un) de | to order (someone) to |
conseiller(à quelqu’un) de | to advise to |
défendre (à quelqu’un) de | to forbid (someone) to do s.t. |
demander (à quelqu’un) de | to ask (someone) to do something |
dire (à quelqu’un) de | to tell (someone) to do something |
manquer de | to neglect, fail to |
offrir (à quelqu’un) de | to offer someone to |
promettre (à quelqu’un) de | to promise to |
proposer (à quelqu’un) de | to suggest ___-ing |
Les verbes « être » et « s'appeler »
Être – exercices
Savoir vs connaître (the secret no one knows)
Verbs using preposition de
Verb + de + noun
s’agir de | to be a question of | |
s’apercevoir de | to notice | |
approcher de | to approach | |
arriver de (Paris, Canada) | to arrive from (Paris, Canada) | |
avoir besoin de | to need | |
avoir envie de | to want | |
avoir l’habitude de | to be used to, in the habit of | |
avoir peur de | to be afraid of | |
changer de (train) | to change (trains) | |
dépendre de | to depend on | |
douter de | to doubt | |
écrire de (la main gauche, droite) | to write with (the left, right hand) | |
s’emparer de | to grab | |
s’étonner de | to be amazed by | |
féliciter de | to congratulate | |
hériter de | to inherit | |
jouer de | to play (an instrument) | |
jouir de | to enjoy | |
manquer de | to lack | |
se méfier de | to distrust, beware of | |
se moquer de | to make fun of | |
s’occuper de parler de |
to be busy with to speak about |
partir de | to leave | |
se passer de | to do without | |
penser de | to have an opinion about | |
se plaindre de | to complain about | |
profiter de | to make the most of | |
punir de | to punish for | |
recompenser de | to reward for | |
remercier de | to thank for | |
se rendre compte de | to realize | |
rire de | to laugh at | |
servir de | to put to use as | |
se servir de | to use | |
se soucier de | to care about | |
se souvenir de | to remember | |
tenir de | to take after, resemble | |
se tromper de | to mistake | |
vivre de | to live on |
Replacing de + noun
De plus a noun can be replaced by the adverbial pronoun en. | |||
Je joue de la guitare. > J’en joue. | I play the guitar. > I play it. | ||
Il m’a félicité de ma découverte. > Il m’en a félicité. | He congratulated me for my discovery. > He congratulated me for it. |
Verb + de + infinitive
Note that this construction may be equivalent to an English infinitive (e.g., to do) or a gerund (doing).
accepter de | to accept, agree to | |
accuser (quelqu’un) de | to accuse (someone) of | |
achever de | to finish ___-ing | |
s’agir de | to be a question of ___-ing | |
(s’)arrêter de | to stop ___-ing | |
attendre de | to wait to | |
avertir (qqun) de (ne pas) | to warn (someone) (not) to | |
avoir peur de | to be afraid of ___-ing | |
blâmer (qqun) de | to blame (someone) for ___-ing | |
cesser de | to stop, cease ___-ing | |
choisir de | to choose to | |
commander (à qqun) de | to order (someone) to | |
commencer de* | to start to / ___-ing | |
conseiller de | to advise to | |
se contenter de | to be happy ___-ing | |
continuer de* | to continue to / ___-ing | |
convenir de | to agree to | |
craindre de | to fear ___-ing | |
décider de | to decide to | |
défendre (à quelqu’un) de | to forbid (someone) to do s.t. | |
demander (à quelqu’un) de | to ask (someone) to do something | |
se dépêcher de | to hurry to | |
déranger quelqu’un de | to bother someone to | |
dire (à quelqu’un) de | to tell (someone) to do something | |
s’efforcer de | to endeavor to | |
empêcher de | to prevent, keep from ___-ing | |
s’empresser de | to hurry to | |
ennuyer quelqu’un de | to bother/upset someone to | |
essayer de | to try to | |
être (adjective / past participle) de | to be (adj / ___ed) to | |
s’excuser de | to apologize for ___-ing | |
féliciter de | to congratulate for ___-ing | |
finir de | to finish ___-ing | |
se hâter de | to hurry to | |
manquer de | to neglect, fail to | |
mériter de | to deserve to | |
offrir de | to offer to | |
oublier de | to forget to | |
(se) permettre de | to allow (oneself) to | |
persuader de | to persuade to | |
prendre garde de | to be careful not to | |
prendre le parti de | to decide to | |
se presser de | to hurry to | |
prier de | to beg to | |
promettre de | to promise to | |
proposer de | to suggest ___-ing | |
refuser de | to refuse to | |
regretter de | to regret ___-ing | |
remercier de | to thank for ___-ing | |
rêver de | to dream of ___-ing | |
risquer de | to risk ___-ing | |
se soucier de | to care about ___-ing | |
se souvenir de | to remember ___-ing | |
supplier de | to be / beseech | |
tâcher de | to try to | |
venir de (faire quelque chose) | to have just (done something) |
From Grammar Lessons
Jouer with no preposition means to play, have fun, or fool around:
- Arrête de jouer !
Stop playing/fooling around!Je fais ça pour jouer
I do that for fun
In reference to music, theater, television, and movies, jouer means to play or perform:
- Quel orchestre va jouer ce soir ?
Which orchestra is playing tonight?Tu joues très bien
You act very well / You’re a very good actor
Jouer can also mean to gamble, bet, wager, speculate (in the stock market), and formally, to deceive or dupe.
Jouer à
Jouer à means to play a game or sport, or to play with something:
- Il joue aux échecs
He’s playing chessNous allons jouer au golf
We’re going to play golfElle ne joue pas à la poupée
She doesn’t play with dolls
Jouer de
Jouer de means to play a musical instrument:
- J’aimerais jouer du piano
I’d like to play the pianoDepuis quand joue-t-elle de la flûte ?
How long has she played the flute?Il ne sait pas jouer de la guitare
He doesn’t know how to play the guitar
Jouer avec
Jouer avec means to play or toy with:
- Il joue toujours avec ses cheveux
He’s always playing/fiddling with his hairIl ne faut jamais jouer avec les sentiments
You should never play with someone’s feelings
Jouer sur
Jouer sur means to play on, use, or exploit:
- J’aime jouer sur les mots
I like to play with words / make plays on wordsIl faut jouer sur l’effet de surprise
We should use the element of surprise
Expressions with Jouer
- jouer avec le feu – to play with fire (literally and figuratively)jouer franc jeu – to play fairjouer le jeu – to play the game (literally and figuratively)
jouer un mauvais/vilain tour à qqun – to play a dirty trick on someone
se la jouer – (informal) to show off
Passé composé avec être
Verbes D'Accord 1
Unité 1 être
Unité 2 avoir
Unité 3
Unité 4
passer chez
obéir à
réagir à
réfléchir à
réussir à
Verbes au présent, exercices
Avoir et être
Choisissez le pronom *
avoir *
Être ou avoir ? *
Être ou avoir ? *
Être ou avoir ? **
Choisissez la forme qui convient
son/sont *
on/on n’**
on/ont/on n’ ***
et/est *
Présent de l’indicatif – Verbes en -er
Complétez au présent -er
Complétez au présent -er -b
The past perfect is a compound verb form, which means its conjugation has two components:
verb | conjugation | |
1. | auxiliary (avoir or être) | imperfect |
2. | main verb | past participle |
Par exemple…
avoir verb | être verb | pronominal verb |
donner (to give) | sortir (to go out) | s’habiller (to get dressed) |
j’avais donné | j’étais sorti(e) | je m’étais habillé(e) |
tu avais donné | tu étais sorti(e) | tu t’étais habillé(e) |
il avait donné | il était sorti | il s’était habillé |
elle avait donné | elle était sortie | elle s’était habillée |
nous avions donné | nous étions sorti(e)s | nous nous étions habillé(e)s |
vous aviez donné | vous étiez sorti(e)(s) | vous vous étiez habillé(e)(s) |
ils avaient donné | ils étaient sortis | ils s’étaient habillés |
elles avaient donné | elles étaient sorties | elles s’étaient habillées |
Avoir et être
Principaux verbes au présent
How to form the subjonctif
To make up for the difficulty in knowing when to use the French subjunctive, the conjugations are relatively easy. All regular -er, -ir, and -re verbs as well as many irregular verbs* are conjugated according to this pattern:
- Start with the present tense ils conjugation of the verb
- Drop –ent to find the subjunctive stem
- Add the appropriate subjunctive ending: -e, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent
aimer | finir | vendre | partir | couvrir | mettre | ||
ils | aiment | finissent | vendent | partent | couvrent | mettent | |
stem | aim- | finiss- | vend- | part- | couvr- | mett- | |
Subjunctive endings | |||||||
… que je / j’ | -e | aime | finisse | vende | parte | couvre | mette |
… que tu | -es | aimes | finisses | vendes | partes | couvres | mettes |
… qu’il/elle/on | -e | aime | finisse | vende | parte | couvre | mette |
… que nous | -ions | aimions | finissions | vendions | partions | couvrions | mettions |
… que vous | -iez | aimiez | finissiez | vendiez | partiez | couvriez | mettiez |
… qu’ils/elles | -ent | aiment | finissent | vendent | partent | couvrent | mettent |
Conseils concis
*Irregular -ir verbs conjugated like partir and couvrir and irregular –re verbsconjugated like mettre are all regular in the subjunctive.
The singular and third person plural subjunctive conjugations for -er verbs are the same as their indicative conjugations, so these are good verbs to use when you’re not sure whether you need the subjunctive.
When to use the subjonctive
The subjunctive is a special verb form, called a mood, that is used in dependent clauses to indicate some sort of subjectivity, uncertainty, or unreality in the mind of the speaker. In French, feelings like doubt and desire require the subjunctive, as do expressions of necessity, possibility, and judgment. Please scroll down to see the complete list of verbs, expressions, and conjunctions.
Note, however, that there are two additional conditions to meet before using the subjunctive:
1) Que or qui
The expression in the main clause must end with the relative pronoun que or qui. If it ends with thepreposition de, you need to use the infinitive.
Il est important que tu fasses tes devoirs. | It’s important for you to do your homework. | |
Il est important de faire tes devoirs. | It’s important to do your homework. | |
Il est important de fasses tes devoirs. |
2) Two subjects
The subject of the main clause and that of the dependent clause must be different. If they’re the same, just use the infinitive.
Je veux que tu ailles à la banque. | I want you to go to the bank. | |
Je veux aller à la banque. | I want to go to the bank. | |
Je veux que j’aille à la banque. |
À noter : There is no future subjunctive in French. Even for subjective situations that are clearly set in the future, the present subjunctive is used.
Il faut que tu prennes le bus demain. | You’ll have to take the bus tomorrow. |
There are hundreds of verbs, expressions, and conjunctions that call for the subjunctive, so it’s helpful to divide them into themes.
Preferences, Advice, Needs, Desires, Orders (PANDO)
aimer mieux que | to like better / to prefer that | |
commander que | to order that | |
défendre que | to forbid | |
demander que | to ask (someone to do something) | |
désirer que | to desire that | |
donner l’ordre que | to order that | |
empêcher que* | to prevent (someone from doing something) | |
éviter que* | to avoid | |
exiger que | to demand that | |
il est à souhaiter que | it is to be hoped that | |
il est capital que | it is crucial that | |
il est essentiel que | it is essential that | |
il est impératif que | it is imperative that | |
il est nécessaire que | it is necessary that | |
il est temps que | it is time that | |
il est urgent que | it is urgent that | |
il faut que | it is necessary that | |
interdire que | to forbid that | |
s’opposer que | to oppose that | |
ordonner que | to order that | |
permettre que | to permit that | |
préférer que | to prefer that | |
proposer que | to propose that | |
recommander que | to recommend | |
souhaiter que | to wish that | |
suggérer que | to suggest that | |
tenir à ce que | to insist that | |
vouloir que | to want that |
*These verbs call for the ne explétif
Judgments, Emotions, Feelings (JEF)
accepter que | to accept | |
adorer que | to love that | |
aimer que | to like that | |
apprécier que | to appreciate that | |
avoir honte que | to be ashamed that | |
avoir peur que* | to be afraid that | |
craindre que* | to fear that | |
déplorer que | to deplore that | |
détester que | to hate that | |
être content que | to be happy that | |
être désolé que | to be sorry that | |
être étonné que | to be amazed that | |
être heureux que | to be happy that | |
être surpris que | to be surprised that | |
être triste que | to be sad that | |
il est bizarre que | it is odd that | |
il est bon que | it is good that | |
il est convenable que | it is proper/fitting that | |
il est dommage que | it is too bad that | |
il est étonnant que | it is amazing that | |
il est étrange que | it is strange that | |
il est faux que | it is false that | |
il est heureux que | it is fortunate that | |
il est honteux que | it is shameful that | |
il est important que | it is important that | |
il est inutile que | it is useless that | |
il est juste que | it is right/fair that | |
il est naturel que | it is natural that | |
il est normal que | it is normal that | |
il est rare que | it is rare that | |
il est regrettable que | it is regrettable that | |
il est surprenant que | it is surprising that | |
il est utile que | it is useful that | |
il n’est pas exact que | it is not correct that | |
il n’est pas vrai que | it is not true that | |
il vaut mieux que | it is better that | |
redouter que* | to dread that | |
regretter que | to regret that | |
se réjouir que | to be delighted that |
*These verbs call for the ne explétif
Possibilities, Opinions, Doubts, Suppositions (PODS)
s’attendre à ce que | to expect | |
chercher … qui* | to look for | |
douter que** | to doubt that | |
il est douteux que** | it is doubtful that | |
il est impossible que | it is impossible that | |
il est improbable que | it is improbable that | |
il est possible que | it is possible that | |
il est peu probable que | it is improbable that | |
il n’est pas certain que | it is not certain that | |
il n’est pas clair que | it is not clear that | |
il n’est pas évident que | it is not obvious that | |
il n’est pas probable que | it is improbable that | |
il n’est pas sûr que | it is not certain that | |
il semble que | it seems that | |
il se peut que | it may be that | |
le fait que | the fact that | |
nier que*** | to deny that | |
refuser que | to refuse | |
supposer que | to suppose, hypothesize |
*Whether to use the subjunctive depends on whether you know this person exists – learn more.
**These do not take the subjunctive when they are used negatively.
***When nier is in the negative or interrogative, it calls for the ne explétif.
Many conjunctions and conjunctive phrases require the subjunctive, notably those which link cause and effect:
à condition que | provided that | |
à moins que* | unless | |
à supposer que | assuming that | |
afin que | so that | |
avant que* | before | |
bien que | although | |
de crainte que* | for fear that | |
de façon que | so that, in order that, in such a way that | |
de manière que | so that | |
de peur que* | for fear that | |
de sorte que | so that | |
en admettant que | assuming that | |
en attendant que | while, until | |
encore que | even though | |
jusqu’à ce que | until | |
où que | wherever | |
pour que | so that | |
pourvu que | provided that | |
qui que | whoever | |
quoique | even though | |
quoi que | whatever, no matter what | |
sans que* | without |
*These conjunctions call for the ne explétif
Conjunctions that express a simple reality do not call for the subjunctive:
ainsi que | just as, so as | |
alors que | while, whereas | |
après que* | after, when | |
aussitôt que* | as soon as | |
car | since, because | |
en même temps que | at the same time that | |
depuis que | since | |
dès que* | as soon as, immediately | |
lorsque* | when | |
parce que | because | |
pendant que | while | |
plutôt que | instead of, rather than | |
puisque | since, as | |
quand* | when | |
tandis que | while, whereas | |
une fois que* | once |
*These conjunctions are followed by the future tense or the future perfect in French, even though in English we use the present tense.
aimer | finir | vendre | ||
present | ils | aiment | finissent | vendent |
stem | aim- | finiss- | vend- | |
Subjunctive endings | ||||
… que je / j’ | -e | aime | finisse | vende |
… que tu | -es | aimes | finisses | vendes |
… qu’il/elle/on | -e | aime | finisse | vende |
… que nous | -ions | aimions | finissions | vendions |
… que vous | -iez | aimiez | finissiez | vendiez |
… qu’ils/elles | -ent | aiment | finissent | vendent |
partir | couvrir | mettre | ||
present | ils | partent | couvrent | mettent |
stem | part- | couvr- | mett- | |
Subjunctive endings | ||||
… que je / j’ | -e | parte | couvre | mette |
… que tu | -es | partes | couvres | mettes |
… qu’il/elle/on | -e | parte | couvre | mette |
… que nous | -ions | partions | couvrions | mettions |
… que vous | -iez | partiez | couvriez | mettiez |
… qu’ils/elles | -ent | partent | couvrent | mettent |
more at
Future Tense
French future conjugations are, along with the conditional, the easiest in the entire language. Regular verbs and the majority of irregular verbs use their infinitives as the future stem, and there is a single set of future endings for all verbs.
- For -er and -ir verbs, add the future ending to the infinitive.
- For -re verbs, remove the final -e from the infinitive before adding the future endings.
- For stem-changing and the few irregular future verbs, add the future ending to the irregular future stem.
Par exemple…
Here are the future conjugations for the regular verbs aimer (to like), choisir (to choose), and rendre (to return); the stem-changing verb lever (to lift), and the irregular verb être (to be):
Pronoun | Ending | aimer >aimer– | choisir >choisir– | rendre >rendr– | lever >lèver– | être >ser– |
je / j’ | -ai | aimerai | choisirai | rendrai | lèverai | serai |
tu | -as | aimeras | choisiras | rendras | lèveras | seras |
il | -a | aimera | choisira | rendra | lèvera | sera |
nous | -ons | aimerons | choisirons | rendrons | lèverons | serons |
vous | -ez | aimerez | choisirez | rendrez | lèverez | serez |
ils | -ont | aimeront | choisiront | rendront | lèveront | seront |
Imparfait link to explanation & quizzes
How to conjugate – Imparfait
When to use – Imparfait
Very Easy
Easy requires Mac or accent keyboard
Easy has accent input
Intermediate no accent input, if you are not using a Mac, just skip the verbs with accent by clicking “next verb” button so you get an accurate evaluation.
Test de niveau de français 3 : Les accords du verbe
Participes passés
General verb practice
Verb practice
Verb conjugator
Le conditionnel
The conditional is used to refer to hypothetical events. It occurs in polite requests and most frequently with if clauses. In French, it is called le conditionnel and is most often translated by would in English.
The stem used to form the conditional is the same as the stem of the future (usually the infinitive). The conditional endings are -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient (These are also the imperfect endings).
The above formation works for -er verbs (aimer, j’aimerais), -ir verbs (finir, je finirais) and -re verbs (vendre, je vendrais). Remember to drop the final e from the infinitive stem of -re verbs .
The r in the stem is representative of the conditional, as well as the future. Only the difference in the pronunciation of the endings distinguishes the two. The difference between the je forms is subtle. Can you hear the differences? Note also how the e of the infinitive of -er verbs changes in the future and conditional forms.
irregular stems
Verbs with irregular future stems use the same irregular stems in the conditional. Here is a list of the most common irregular stems:
verbs with spelling changes
Some verbs with spelling changes in the present form their future/conditional stem regularly. These include verbs like préférer, espérer, manger, and commencer.
Verbs with spelling changes like appeler, employer and acheter add -r to the present of the je form to create their future stem.
• wishes or requests
The conditional expresses potentiality. It is used to express a wish or a suggestion, to make a request, or to accept or extend invitations. It is less direct and more polite than the imperative. The verbs ‘pouvoir’, ‘vouloir’, and ‘devoir’ are often found in the conditional to diminish the strength of a command. In most cases, the conditional is translated as meaning would in English. However, je pourrais means ‘I could’, je devrais means ‘I should’ and je voudrais means ‘I would like’. Also do not confuse ‘would’ in English meaning ‘used to’ which should be translated as an imparfait in French, and NOT as the conditional: A Paris, Joe-Bob allait au MacDo tous les jours. (In Paris, Joe-Bob would/used to go to McDonald’s everyday).
• hypothetical action
The conditional is used when making statements which are contrary to present facts. It expresses a hypothethical result which depends on (stated or implied) circumstances which do not exist. In order for the action expressed by the conditional to occur, something else must take place first. Note that the condition in the si or if clause, is always stated in the imparfait. (See ‘si’ clauses for further examples.)
• possibility or uncertainty
The conditional is also used to give information whose accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Journalists often use it to report events which are not known to be true.
• reported speech (indirect discourse)
In addition, the conditional is used to represent the future in relation to a narration in the past when reported speech is used to tell what someone said.
Passé composé – Exercises
Easy – 3 To type the accents, please use info from
Verbs using preposition à
Verbs + à + noun
acheter à | to buy from | |
arracher à | to grab, tear away from | |
aller à | to suit (someone) | |
assister à (la réunion) | to attend (the meeting) | |
conseiller à | to advise | |
convenir à quelqu’un / la situation | to please, to be suitable for someone / the situation | |
croire à | to believe something | |
demander (quelque chose) à quelqu’un | to ask someone (something) | |
défendre à | to forbid | |
demander à (quelqu’un) | to ask (someone) to | |
déplaire à | to displease / be displeasing to | |
désobéir à | to disobey | |
dire à qqun | to say / tell | |
donner quelque chose à quelqu’un | to give someone something | |
écrire à quelqu’un | to write to someone | |
emprunter quelque chose à quelqu’un | to borrow something from someone | |
envoyer quelque chose à quelqu’un | to send something to someone | |
être à | to belong to | |
faire attention à | to pay attention to | |
faire confiance à | to trust (someone) | |
faire mal à | to hurt | |
faillir à | to fail in / at / to | |
se fier à (quelqu’un) | to trust (someone) | |
goûter à quelque chose | to taste something | |
s’habituer à | to get used to | |
interdire (quelque chose) à quelqu’un | to forbid someone (something) | |
s’intéresser à | to be interested in | |
jouer à | to play (a game or sport) | |
manquer à | to miss someone | |
mêler à | to mingle with / to join in | |
nuire à | to harm | |
obéir à | to obey | |
s’opposer à | to oppose | |
ordonner à | to order | |
pardonner à | to pardon, forgive | |
parler à | to talk to | |
penser à | to think of / about | |
permettre à | to permit | |
plaire à | to please / be pleasing to | |
procurer à quelqu’un | to obtain for someone | |
profiter à | to benefit / be profitable to | |
promettre à | to promise | |
raconter à qqun | to tell someone | |
rappeler à | to remind (someone) | |
réfléchir à | to consider / reflect upon | |
rendre visite à quelqu’un | to visit someone | |
répondre à | to answer | |
reprocher à | to criticize | |
résister à | to resist | |
ressembler à | to resemble | |
réussir à l’examen | to pass the test | |
serrer la main à quelqu’un | to shake hands with someone | |
servir à | to be used for/as | |
songer à | to dream / think of | |
sourire à | to smile at | |
succéder à | to succeed, follow | |
survivre à | to survive | |
téléphoner à | to call | |
voler (quelque chose) à quelqu’un | to steal (something) from someone |
Replacing à + noun
À plus an inanimate noun can be replaced by the adverbial pronoun y. | ||
J’ai répondu à la question. > J’y ai répondu. | I answered the question. > I answered it. | |
À plus a person can usually be replaced by an indirect object pronoun. | ||
J’ai parlé à David. > Je lui ai parlé. | I talked to David. > I talked to him. | |
However, some verbs/expressions* don’t allow this replacement, instead requiring that the preposition be kept after the verb, followed by a stressed pronoun. | ||
J’ai pensé à David. > J’ai pensé à lui. | I thought about David. > I thought about him. | |
*List coming soon |
Verbs + à + infinitive
Note that this construction may be equivalent to an English infinitive (e.g., to do) or a gerund (doing).
aider à | to help to | |
s’amuser à | to amuse oneself ___-ing | |
apprendre à | to learn how to | |
s’apprêter à | to get ready to | |
arriver à | to manage / succeed in ___-ing | |
aspirer à | to aspire/yearn to | |
s’attendre à | to expect to | |
s’autoriser à | to authorize / allow to | |
avoir à | to have to / be obliged to | |
chercher à | to attempt to | |
commencer à* | to start to / ___-ing | |
consentir à | to consent to | |
continuer à* | to continue to / ___-ing | |
décider (quelqu’un) à | to persuade (someone) to | |
se décider à | to make up one’s mind to | |
encourager à | to encourage to | |
s’engager à | to get around to | |
enseigner à | to teach to | |
s’épuiser à | to exhaust oneself ___-ing | |
s’habituer à | to get used to | |
hésiter à | to hesitate to | |
s’intéresser à | to be interested in | |
inviter (quelqu’un) à | to invite (someone) to | |
se mettre à | to start, set about ___-ing | |
obliger (qqun) à | to oblige to | |
parvenir à | to succeed in ___-ing | |
passer du temps à | to spend time ___-ing | |
perdre du temps à | to waste time ___-ing | |
persister à | to persist in ___-ing | |
se plaire à | to take pleasure in ___-ing | |
pousser (quelqu’un) à | to urge/push (someone) to | |
se préparer à | to prepare oneself to | |
rechigner à | to grudge ___-ing | |
recommencer à | to begin ___-ing again | |
réfléchir à | to consider ___-ing | |
renoncer à | to give up ___-ing | |
se résigner à | to become resigned to ___-ing | |
résister à | to resist ___-ing | |
réussir à | to succeed in ___-ing | |
rêver à | to dream of ___-ing | |
servir à | to serve to | |
songer à | to dream of ___-ing | |
tarder à | to delay / be late in ___-ing | |
tenir à | to hold (someone) to / insist on ___-ing | |
venir à | to happen to |
French regular -RE verb conjugations
To conjugate an -RE verb in the present tense, remove the infinitive ending and then add the appropriate endings. For example, here are the present tense conjugations for the regular -RE verbs descendre (to descend), perdre (to lose), and vendre (to sell): | |||||
Pronoun | Ending | descendre > descend- | perdre > perd- | vendre > vend- | |
je | –s | descends | perds | vends | |
tu | –s | descends | perds | vends | |
il | – | descend | perd | vend | |
nous | –ons | descendons | perdons | vendons | |
vous | –ez | descendez | perdez | vendez | |
ils | –ent | descendent | perdent | vendent | |
Regular -RE verbs share conjugation patterns in all tenses and moods. |
French regular -IR verb conjugations
To conjugate an -IR verb in the present tense, remove the infinitive ending and then add the appropriate endings. For example, here are the present tense conjugations for the regular -IR verbs choisir (to choose), finir (to finish), and réussir (to succeed): | |||||
Pronoun | Ending | choisir > chois- | finir > fin- | réussir > réuss- | |
je | –is | choisis | finis | réussis | |
tu | –is | choisis | finis | réussis | |
il | -it | choisit | finit | réussit | |
nous | –issons | choisissons | finissons | réussissons | |
vous | –issez | choisissez | finissez | réussissez | |
ils | –issent | choisissent | finissent | réussissent | |
Regular -IR verbs share conjugation patterns in all tenses and moods. |
French regular -ER verb conjugations
French regular -ER verb conjugations | |||||
To conjugate an -ER verb in the present tense, remove the infinitive ending and then add the appropriate endings. For example, here are the present tense conjugations for the regular -ER verbs parler (to speak), donner (to give), and visiter (to visit): | |||||
Pronoun | Ending | parler > parl- | donner > donn- | visiter > visit- | |
je | –e | parle | donne | visite | |
tu | –es | parles | donnes | visites | |
il | –e | parle | donne | visite | |
nous | –ons | parlons | donnons | visitons | |
vous | –ez | parlez | donnez | visitez | |
ils | –ent | parlent | donnent | visitent |
Avoir et expressions
tu as
il /elle /on a
nous avons
vous avez
ils /elles ont